Ways in which healthcare institutions can improve charge capture

The revenue cycle process in healthcare institutions revolves mainly around charge capture. Millions of potential revenues are lost each year because of inefficient capture methods used. There are various solutions can be used to improve this.

Automated systems

Hospitals can enact systems that automatically capture charges were possible. The use of information systems in healthcare institutions can expedite the charge capture process.

Staff training

It is important to constantly refresh your staff by equipping them with new skills and training them on any new methods or improving on the old ones. This applies greatly to charge capture as new technologies have now been put in place to capture any charges for example mobile charge capture apps. Your staff will need retraining so that they can be able to use these software and apps.

Reduce red tape

In some institutions they may be many offices to pass through before you can get to the final charge being captured. Usually this requires a lot of paper work which can be tenuous and can also lead to a lot of errors and revenue leakages. Reducing long processes and having it all processed by charge capture software or app will make sure that a patient can be attended to and the charge sorted in no time.

Invest in mobile charge capture software

Mobile charge capture solutions can also greatly improve revenue streams in healthcare institutions. The best part is they can be on a physician mobile phone and all information will be available at the touch of a finger at any point in time.

Improve charge policies

Developing a standardized charge system along all healthcare institutions will allow for more revenue capture across the board. It makes it easy also for each department to understand how they can capture any charges and greatly improve revenue streams.

Improve interdepartmental communication

Communication between departments will also that any charge can be communicated between departments. This can be recognized in cases where a patient has to seek different treatments and having all departments network can make sure that there are no unrecorded charges thus no lost revenues.

Regular audits

By auditing departments regularly institutions will get a finer sense of where all leakages are emanating from. Audits of charges by departments will also identify ways of improving the capture system in each of the departments. Improvements to billing will be realized from these audits and all necessary measures will be taken to make an efficient capture system.

An effective charge capture system ensures that proper healthcare is delivered all the time on time. It is important that physicians and hospital staff maintain a synergy that harmonizes how all charges are captured and filed. Charge Capture is an area that could certainly improve for most healthcare institutions and an improvement will mean increased revenues which can then be used to improve service delivery. The best solution to improving charge capture in healthcare institutions in the long run will be to invest in mobile charge capture solutions embracing the future away from the traditional methods of charge capture.
